Celebrated at Dhamma Ma Hade Di Monastery. At 4:30, U Hla Aung “Chairman of LPT Group” and donors were offered war so robes and rejoicing sermon was preached by Mahar Patron Sayardaw Ven Kay Sa Yar Bhivamsa.
Taking war so period at 5 pm. Firslty, After mahar patron sayardaws and senior sayardaws, monks are taking war so period together.
After the doctrine by mahar partron sayardaw Ven Kay Sa Yar Bhivamsa, the donors were donated offering things to monks.
There have 609 novices, 2075 monks, total 2684 are taking war so period in New Ma Soe Yein Monastery, Sein Pan Quarter, Mahar Aung Myay Township in Mandalay.