No (1) NAGANI money saving box for Sa Quarter in Pyi Kyi Ta Kon Township was established on 1.9.2013. It will be four year anniversary on this September 1. There have 752 members in 8 money saving box. Capitalized 55,340,000 kyats for them. Now they can saved 65,166,500 kyats as profits.
7,557,000 kyats is for supporting health issue. And 260,000 is for supporting ration.
141 members are 50000 kyats role,
295 members are 100000 kyats role,
251 members are 150000 kyats role and 65 members are 200000 kyats role. For one money saving box, capitalized 2500000 kyats to become a billion kyats money saving box. 50000 kyats paid as first time. They’re paid by
50000 kyats 3 times can have 100000 kyats
100000 kyats 3 times can have 150000 kyats
150000 kyats 3 time can have 200000 kyats.
The person who take 50000 kyats, they have to save 1000 kyats for 55 days. From 55000 kyats, 50000 kyats were paid to them. From the profits money 5000 kyats, 2000 kyats use back for their health fund and 3000 kyats were use back for new membership fund in quarter.
Writer spend back on this kind of place, those money are Dhamma offering money from preaching ceremony. Writer is a poor Dhamma Lecture who had been serve to citizen with his work force. Among the capitalized money 55,340,000 kyats, the various donor from various places were donated 6,942,100 kyats. Writer just proud for supporting to 752 people’s expenses. All alleged measures are disappear, when see smile on their face on withdraw day.
Wira Thu (Ma Soe Yein)
PM 1:52