Offered by Taung Nguu Ma Ba Tha Sayardawlay Ashin San Da Na. There have over 1700 signature. There were two pavilion for signing campaign at Taung Nguu City, one is at north wing of Shwe San Taw Pagoda and another one is at near of Min Kyee Nyo Statue beside of old Yangon-Mandalay high way.
Shan Monastery Sayardawlay Ashin Eain Na Ka and donors from A Mat Kyi Kone Village in Yay Tar Shay Township were came to Taung Nguu for signing. Writer didn’t know on time about signing campaign from Taung Nguu. Writer was knew when the photos were on social media. They said, they connected with Yangon and doing this signing campaign. The color of signing papers are different. It seems, they copied the signing paper by themselves. They came to offer those signature papers on 25.7.2017 and they also offered fruits for writers.