Nov 9, 2017 – 6 PM,
Sri Lanka Wira Thu came with two abbots and four men. U Pyin Nyar Sar Mi is interpreting for us. They interviewed about Rakhine issue for broadcasting with Sinhalese and English language. They asked four questions. The true story of Rakhine issue. Why international Medias broadcasted the incorrect news. The threatening situation of Islamization. The words for the Buddhist around international.
The number one question answered with photos report. Number 3 question answered by the facts of 1938 Kalar-Burma riots, the first jihad on 1942 May 13 and the real genocide with historical evidence.
They took a memorial photo with the young monks from the monastery. They also attended and interviewed at the ceremony of From Citizen to Citizen. Gives Islamization book as the present to each of them. Islamization is the most terrible thing threatened the world.