Monthly Archives: December 2017


Donation of MK Jewelry Family

Dec 3, 2017, Respect for Nationalist Sayardaw U Vicitta Bhivamsa (Wira Thu – Ma Soe Yein), Ko Moe Ko and Ma Khine Mar Win (MK Jewelry Family) donated 1000000 kyats to Shwe Gu Ni Charity Education School and another 1000000 ...

Mahar Wira

Mahar Wira Aesthetic Magazine Issue (30) for December is coming out.   Distributors   Myit Zaw (In Charge, Yangon) 09421071774 Dhamma Sa Har Ya Monastery, Mandalay, 09259995969/ 0933039722

Muditar Place (Fund Donation)

Dec 2, 2017, To perform successfully in the race, religion, sãsãnã affairs, and charity works, Ko Hla Kyaw from No (19) quarter’s Dhamma Ra Ki Ta (Offering Food to Monk Association) and Hlaing Youth Group donated 420000 kyats as the ...

Donation for Ramawati Venerable Abbot (1)

Received cash donation 1500000 kyats for Ramawati Venerable Abbot from Pha Yar Thone Suu place in Htauk Kyant Township. 12.2017 U Kyaw Soe Han from Yay Nan Chaung City donated 500000 kyats   12.2017 U Soe Moe Naing (May May ...

Muditar Place (Donation for Mandalay Ma Haw Tha Dar ...

Dec 2, 2017, Sayardaw U Pyin Nyar Sar Ya Mya Nhinn See Cloister” from Oate Ta Ya Township, Taung Nyo City in Nay Pyi Daw Division donated 100000 kyats for Ma Haw Tha Dar Free Private High-Grade Nationalist School, which ...

Muditar Place (Fund Donation)

Dec 1, 2017, To perform successfully in the race, religion, sãsãnã affairs, and charity works, Yoon Wati Gold Shop family from Mawlamyine City donated the funds for Won Tha Nu Dhamma Lecture Abbot U Wira Thu The donor’s list are ...