Jan 13, 2018,
Today is the day of the anniversary day of escaping from the prison. Now 6 years have been filled tightly. In previous years, the writer did not celebrate the anniversary day because of the trip. But the writer can be celebrated the anniversary day of escaping from the prison in this year by Man Jonny and his collogues.
As a memorial anniversary day offered breakfast meals to the sanghas from Sa Har Ya monastery. The donor is Ko Myint Zaw and Ma Tin Tin Win family from Shwe Pyi Thar Street, Thin Gyan Kyun Township in Yangon City. They offered breakfast meals for every year. The distributor of Pyi Chi Thar Journal and Mahar Wira Magazine. Also donated 10000 kyats to four patron abbots.
The donor and audience who rejoice in the escaping merit, May all beings free from sufferings.