Monthly Archives: March 2018


Offering Breakfast for the Student Monks (3)

March 23, 2018, Offering breakfast at Dhamma Sa Har Ya monastery for students monks who answer the sãsãnã exam. Today recipe is Shan noodle. Today exam subject is “Thi Lat Khan” (first day). The total offer day in 13 days. ...

Offering Breakfast for the Student Monks (2)

March 22, 2018, Offering breakfast at Dhamma Sa Har Ya monastery for students monks who answer the sãsãnã exam. Today recipe is Moke Hinn Kar. Today exam subject is “Par Yar Zi Kan” (second day). The total offer day in 13 ...

Offering Breakfast for the Student Monks (1)

March 21, 2018, Offering breakfast at Dhamma Sa Har Ya monastery for students monks who answer the sãsãnã exam. Today recipe is the noodle. Today exam subject is “Par Yar Zi Kan” (first day). The total offer day in 13 days. ...
DonationMandalay Ma Haw Tha DarNews

Muditar Place (Donation for Mandalay Ma Haw Tha Dar ...

  March 15, 2018, 2017/ 2018 students from Kay Tu Ma Ti Buddha University from Taung Nguu City donated 550000 kyats for Ma Haw Tha Dar Free Private Nationalist High School, which will build in Mandalay. For Mandalay Ma Haw ...
DonationMandalay Ma Haw Tha DarNews

Muditar Place (Donation for Mandalay Ma Haw Tha Dar – ...

  March 13, 2018, Ashin Teik Ki Eain Di Ya from Dhamma Ra Ki Ta Monastery donated 10000 kyats and Ko Oae Wai Aung from the USA donated 50000 kyats for Ma Haw Tha Dar Free Private Nationalist High School, ...

Second Preaching in 2018 (Taung Gyi, Aye Thar Yar)

March 19, 2018 – 8:30 PM, The second preaching 2018. The charity groups of New Aye Thar Yar from Taung Gyi district supported the preaching ceremony. Preached “Theravada Sãsãnã” sermon to the audience.
DonationMandalay Ma Haw Tha DarNews

Muditar Place (Donation for Mandalay Ma Haw Tha Dar ...

  March 12, 2018, Ko Zin Myo Tun and Ma Aye Mya Moe family from Kant Ba Luu City donated 200000 kyats for Ma Haw Tha Dar Free Private Nationalist High School, which will build in Mandalay, For Mandalay Ma ...

Taung Gyi Trip

March 19, 2018 Arrived at He Hoe airport. Because of the order from State Minister cannot rest in VIP room like before. Having lunch at U Zin Mel Gyi’s “A Rain Na Ma Ma Soe Yein (Kyaung Thit Kyaung), Zaw ...
DonationMandalay Ma Haw Tha DarNAGANI Money Saving BoxNews

Muditar Place (Donation for Mandalay Ma Haw Tha Dar – ...

  March 9, 2018, U Oung Shwe and Daw Khin Than family from Nyaung Lun Meditation Center in Meik Hti Lar City donated 200000 kyats for Ma Haw Tha Dar Free Private Nationalist High School, which will build in Mandalay, ...

The First Time Preaching (Preaching is Back)

March 18, 2018 – 8 PM, The novitiate ceremony of U Kyi Soe and Daw Than Win family from Ma Shwe Se Village, Sone Kyin Group, Kay Ma Wati Monastery, Yin Mar Pin Township in Sa Gaing City. Kay Ma ...