Daily Archives: April 15, 2018


Taung Gyi Trip (6)

March 22, 2018,   Leave from Ti Kyit Village, Naung Ta Yar ToTownshipRest for a while at Sasanar Lan Kar Ya Monastery, Se Kar Village in Moe Byal City. Donated journals, radio and USB stick to U Sandi Mar and ...

Lasho Trip (3) / No (10) Dhamma Preaching Ceremony

April 6, 2018 – 8 PM, The ceremony was celebrated at Mahar Myat Mu Ni Pagoda platform at Lasho City in northern Shan State. The ceremony is organized by the nationalist forces from La Sho City. Preached nationalism sermon to ...
DonationMandalay Ma Haw Tha DarNews

Muditar Place (Donation for Mandalay Ma Haw Tha Dar ...

  April 1, 2018, Dedicated to U Thaung Nyunt, Daw Aye family from Moe Kaung City in Ka Chin State donated 100000 kyats for Ma Haw Tha Dar Free Private Nationalist High School, which will build in Mandalay. For Mandalay ...