Monthly Archives: April 2018


Lasho Trip (2) / No (9) Preaching in 2018

April 5, 2018 – 8 PM, The novice ceremony of U Khin Mg and Daw Khin Htay Yee family was held at Pan Oate Pariyatti Monastery, Lasho City in northern Shan State.  

Taung Gyi Trip (4)

March 21, 2018, Arrived at Aye Zay Ti Monastery, Taun Gyi City in morning. Visited and worship Aye Zay Ti Venerable Abbot. Discussed race and religion affairs with the venerable abbot with the writer’s friend Ashin Pyin Nyar Lan Kar ...

Larsho Trip (1)

April 5, 2018, Arrived at Thone Sel Village’s Myo Mya Monastery. Naung Cho Township in northern Shan State. Greeting to senor U Pyin Nyar Sar Ya “Myo Ma Monastery Abbot” and U Kaw Vi Da “Tha Pyay Doe Village”. Discussed ...

The Birthday Ceremony of Hinn Ywat Su Venerable Abbot

The Birthday Ceremony of Hinn Ywat Su Venerable Abbot  

The book of New Ma Soe Yein Monastery’s Agga Bi ...

The book of New Ma Soe Yein Monastery’s Agga Bi Da Za Venerable Abbot is Coming Out
NAGANI Money Saving BoxNews

Disbursement ceremony of Sa Quarter’s NAGANI Money Saving Box Association

April 12, 2018 – 10:00 AM, The ceremony was held at Japan Monastery, Sa Quarter, Pyi Kyi Ta Kon Township in Mandalay. Disbursement ceremony of No (1) NAGANI Money Saving Box Association. Attended by A Shin Za Wa Na (Patron ...
DonationMandalay Ma Haw Tha DarNews

Muditar Place (Donation for Mandalay Ma Haw Tha Dar – ...

  March 30, 2018, U Thein Saung and Daw Khin Ma family from Nyaung Kwal Place, Aung Myay Thar Zan Township in Mandalay City donated 200000 kyats for Ma Haw Tha Dar Free Private Nationalist High School, which will build ...
DonationMandalay Ma Haw Tha DarNews

Muditar Place (Donation for Mandalay Ma Haw Tha Dar ...

  March 30, 2018, U Tun Win and Daw One family from Kyo Pin Kauk City donated 50000 kyats for Ma Haw Tha Dar Free Private Nationalist High School, which will build in Mandalay. For Mandalay Ma Haw Tha Dar, ...

Muditar Place (Fund Donation)

  April 8, 2018, To perform successfully in the race, religion, sãsãnã affairs and charity works, U Kyaw Thu and Daw Seng Hkwang donated 1000000 kyats the funds for Won Tha Nu Dhamma Lecture Abbot U Wira Thu. The donor ...
DonationMandalay Ma Haw Tha DarNews

Muditar Place (Donation for Mandalay Ma Haw Tha Dar – ...

  April 8, 2018, U Kyaw Thu and Daw Seng Hkawng from Myit Kyi Nar City donated 3000000 kyats for Ma Haw Tha Dar Free Private Nationalist High School, which will build in Mandalay. For Mandalay Ma Haw Tha Dar, ...