Min Gun Pahtodawgyi Monastery EducationNews

Min Kun Pahtodawgyi Monastery Education School

May 10, 2018 – evening,

Arrived at Min Kun Pahtodawgyi Monastery Education School. Went there with Mandalay Ma Ba Tha Chief Secretary Sayardawgyi Ven Ku Tha La (Sasana Da Za Dhammacariya – Parli Par Ya Gu). Min Kun Pahtodawgyi Monastery Education School is located at the west side of Min Kun Pahtodawgyi, Dhamma Zay Te monastery compound.

The school starts on this education year. There have over hundred students from Grade 5 to Grade 10 and over 20 teachers. Headmaster abbot U Oate Ka Hta and assistant abbot U Thaw Bi Ta manage the school. Dhamma Zay Te abbot U Nar Wain Nar Lan Kar Ya and his brother Kan Nay abbot U Thu Ma Nar Lan Kar Ya offered requirements and the place for to stay.

The writer went there for donating exercise books, textbooks, Ball pens, pencils, compass boxes, and guidebooks. Min Kun Pahtodawgyi Monastery Education School will accept a hundred and fifty students to two hundred students from Grade 5 to Grade 10.

Warmly welcome for mid and high school students who face the various difficulties to attend the school. In addition, you can also participate in this project via donation.


U Taw Bi Ta (Friday Star)           – 09454611969

U Thu Ma Nar Lan Kar Ya          – 09797107964 / 09422212933

U Oate Ka Hta                               – 09781513980 / 0947234939

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