April 10, 2018 – 12 PM,
Mandalay Ma Ba Tha Association organized third Yin Kyay Lain Mar Training Exam at U Hla Thein Sasana Bate Mann, Chan Aye Thar Zan Township in Mandalay.
Over nine hundred trainee students from Yin Kyay Lain Mar Training classes in Mandalay division answering the exam. This is the third time exam. The prizes will award to the students who pass with distinction, special pass, and consolation pass.
The lunch is offered by Mahar Wizaya Sayardawgyi U Wi Sar Ya and U Moe Ko and Daw Khine Mar Win (MK jewelry) offered the juices for the students. Shwe Pyi Taw Sone Mhat Charity Association offers the purified water.