Daily Archives: October 2, 2018

DonationNewsWira Thu Foundation

Muditar Zone (No. 11 – Donation to Wira Thu Foundation)

23 Sep 2018, Paramount Nayaka Sayadaw Ven Wan Ni Ta (Mandalay Ma Ba Tha Association – Joint Secretary) donated 100000 kyats to “Wira Thu Foundation”. Total Donated Amount by Various Donors (at the moment) 2,520,000 kyats
DonationNewsWira Thu Foundation

Muditar Zone (No. 10 – Donation to Wira Thu Foundation)

23 Sep 2018, U Min Sin and Daw Thida Oo family from Thaw Ta Pan Place, Sa Gain Taung Yoe, Sa Gaing City donated 200000 kyats to “Wira Thu Foundation”. Total Donated Amount by Various Donors (at the moment) 2,420,000 ...
NewsWira Thu Foundation

Wira Thu Foundation on Education Project

The first time supporting on education project started from 2018 October. Supported to two students (3rd year) from “Ma Gway Medical University” and one student (2nd year) from “Taung Gyi Medical University”. The donors’ list of Wira Thu Foundation will ...