Daily Archives: January 15, 2019


Paying Respect to “Yay Tar Shay Myot Lal Sayadaw”

Paying Respect to “Yay Tar Shay Myot Lal Sayadaw”

Muditar Zone (Fund Donation)

1 Jan 2019, To perform successfully in the race, religion, sãsãnã affairs and charity works, the tea shop family from Nan Shae, Mandalay City donated 100000 kyats  as the funds for Won Tha Nu Dhamma Lecture Abbot U Wira Thu. ...

Muditar Zone (Fund Donation)

2 Jan 2019, To perform successfully in the race, religion, sãsãnã affairs and charity works, Yoon Wati Gold Shop family from Mawlamyine City donated the funds for Won Tha Nu Dhamma Lecture Abbot U Wira Thu. The donor list is ...
DonationMandalay Ma Haw Tha Dar

Muditar Zone (Brick Walls Donation for Mandalay Ma Haw Tha ...

30 Dec 2018, U Aung Soe Naing (Committee member of MMHTD) donated 100000 kyats for Ma Haw Tha Dar Free Private Nationalist High School’s brick walls. Ma Haw Tha Dar Free Private Nationalist High School is located at Kyauk Chaw ...
NAGANI Money Saving BoxNews

Disbursement Ceremony Of Sa Quarter’s NAGANI Money Saving Box Association

26 Dec 2018 – 1 PM, The ceremony was held at Japan Monastery, Sa Quarter, Pyi Kyi Ta Kon Township in Mandalay. Disbursement ceremony of No (1) NAGANI Money Saving Box Association. Attended by A Shin Za Wa Na (Patron – ...