DisbursementCeremony of Aung Thar Yar NAGANI Money Saving Box Association
12 Jan 2019– 4 PM,
The ceremony was celebrated at Ma-Ba-Tha office, 45 and 47 Street, between Myat Lay Street and Gandamar Street, Ya Ta Nar Theid Hti Monastery, Aung Thar Yar Quarter.
Attended by Ashin Zawana (NAGANI Money Saving Box Association – Patron), Daw Kyi Kyi Mar (NAGANI Money Saving Box Association –Chairman), Daw Kyin Kyin Myaing (NAGANI Money Saving Box Association – Secretary), Daw Tin Tin San (NAGANI Money Saving Box Association – Accountant) and Ma Ei Nandar Lwin (NAGANI Money SavingBox Association – Vice Secretary).
Delivered the doctrine by Ashin Zawana (NAGANI Money Saving Box Association – Patron). After that, each of 100 members received their saving money 100000 kyats and each of 30 members received their saving money 150000 kyats.
Aung Thar Yar NAGANI Money Saving Box Association is no sixth money saving box established by Sayadaw Wira Thu. Started with 50 members at 2.1.2016 and 130members in present time.
The lending system of NAGANI Money Saving Box Association is 5% deposit. For the50000 kyats, must save 1000 kyats per day and within the percentage of 5%, 2%used for the member’s medical treatment and 3% is used for adding new members and more lending. The profit money is using back on the current money saving box and not using another saving moneybox. There has seven NAGANI money saving box established by Sayardaw U Wira Thu.
(Wira Key Mein – Reporter of NAGANI money saving box)